Scar Noodles

You Faithful Readers would probably know about my recent preoccupation with scars and how Cool they look.

Now that the scab on the Chin is slowly but surely developing some scar tissues. Now, one of the primary laws of life is that you HAVE to know where any scars on your body rates on the Coolness Charts.

I needed to know so badly that I actually went out to search for “Scars” on the Internet. For those that know me, you’d probably think, “How masochistic is that?” Come to think of it, even if you don’t know me, you’ll probably be thinking the same thing too…

There’s a bit of history in this in the sense that I am a pussy when it comes to gore.

In fact, my gore tolerance is so low that the most gory scene I can tolerate on the big screen without flinching is Travolta plunging that needle into Uma’s (almost un)heaving bosoms. And to this day, I cannot under state how important a role the bosoms play in this, seeing that flinching is out of the question if you want a clear view of the bosom.

Anyway, my point is that Google’s result for “Scars” is a little overwhelming. Too much garbage.

Manage to sieve out this new search engine, which is kinda cool.

For example, searching for  “Scars” actually gave a definition of scars at the top of the search results and on the same page, it shows results for images, video, references AND conversation topics.

That’s right, there are people talking about scars on the internet, and you get to rate if the question is good or not with a thumbs up or thumbs down rating. It is one strange world out there. The search engine’s tag line is “Human powered search”. Don’t know what that means though. Cause the “About us” page is still empty. Guess they must still be relatively new to the business.

One of the cooler functions of this search engine is that it shows, not only the last 10 searches of anyone at all, you can also display the most popular recent  searches.

The world’s becoming a darker place, a sadder place. Oil prices are up. There’re civil unrest everywhere, the economy is heading into recession. It’s heartening to know that at times of crisis like these. People still cares about the finer things in life – namely, sex.

Yup, unsurprisingly, sex remains one of the most searched for keywords.

And not just any kind of sex, mind you. To keep this blog relatively family friendly, I can only say that they are the kind that could involve some serious scarring…

And… I’ve just been reminded on pain and serious bodily harm that on top of not being Funny, having a scar is not Cool as well.

On pain of death and more (totally) Uncool scars.

So, I shall go back to my favorite activity whenever I find new search engines to play with…


The same fun we all can have  “Googling Google”

An ill wind bloweth…

Tis a black season. I believe that things come and go in cycles and this seems to be an especially bad period of time for many people around me. Friends are getting hurt, friends are hurting others and worst of all, friends are hurting themselves.

I don’t post things that’re too personal in this space. Especially things that are personal to people that are close to me. But I just want to say to all you guys who have been hurt and say that “Time will numb the pain”.

Don’t let it.

Do not let yourself be numb to the pain. Pain hurts but pain is what makes us human. Pain takes but pain gives as well. You will not enjoy the pain, because who does? Pain can break you. Pain can leave you on your knees. Pain can make you wail like a little baby. Sure, if you let yourself be numb to the pain, you’ll grow stronger. But you’ll be strong in all the wrong places. You’ll reach a point where you do not know if you are numb to the pain or you are numb by the pain. You’ll be strong in all the broken places… There cannot be any rainbows without rain. Pain makes us appreciate the good times so much more.

Bah… I’m not good at this, so I shall steal a quote from Jim Morrison:

People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all.

People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit.

Love hurts.

Feelings are disturbing.

People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong.

Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality.

You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.

Hope this season ends soon…